

During the next five years it is our ambition to improve our business and work towards decreasing our footprint, benefitting people, planet and animals. Therefore, we’ve committed to a series of goals, benchmarked for us to reach in 2020, 2022 and 2024. Please refer to our latest CSR report for our current status. 



Commitment 2020 2022 2024
Public available garment suppliers 100% 100% 100%
Public available fabric suppliers 65% 100% 100%
Suppliers mapped tier 1 25% 50% 100%
Suppliers mapped tier 2 25% 50% 100%
Suppliers mapped tier 3 10% 25% 100%
Volume produced by long term suppliers 50% 65% 75%
Risk country suppliers with a social compliance audit 60% 75% 100%
Suppliers annually visited by Baum und Pferdgarten 50% 60% 70%
Join or host networking groups with relevant brands 2 annual 2 annual 2 annual
CSR Report 1 annual 1 annual 1 annual


 Forward-Thinking Products

Commitment 2020 2022 2024
Better materials      
- Sustainable cellulose 25% 50% 80%
- Sustainable cotton 25% 50% 100%
- Recycled Polyester 50% 75% 100%
- Sustainable Wool 25% 50% 100%
- Recycled Nylon 25% 50% 100%
Recyclable products 35% 50% 65%
Oekotex trim (metal, plastic, etc) 50% 75% 100%
Suppliers signed and complies with Chemical policy 100% 100% 100%
Outphasing PVC 75% 100% 100%
Outphasing Pthalates 100% 100% 100%
Outphasing PFC 100% 100% 100%
Innovative programs per collection Strategy development 1 2
Better packaging Strategy development 50% 100%
Better hangtags & labelling  Strategy development 50% 100%
Use of green energy at offices and stores 100% 100% 100%



Commitment 2020 2022 2024
Signed Ellen MacArthur plastic initiative 100% 100% 100%
Eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging Strategy development 50% 100%
Reusable, recyclable, or compostable plastic packaging 25% 50% 100%
Replace single-use plastic with recycled/recyclable plastic Strategy development 50% 100%
Plastic packaging is reused, recycled, or composted in practice Strategy development 50% 100%
Plastic will be sorted out in our offices and stores 100% 100% 100%
Virgin synthetics are replaced with alternatives Strategy development 50% 100%
Nylon from recycled ocean waste 10% 25% 50%
Guide to minimize microplastics Strategy development Implemented Implemented


 Ethical & Fair

Commitment 2020 2022 2024
Suppliers signed CoC & Human rights policy 100% 100% 100%
Anonymous email contact point Strategy development Implemented Implemented
Suppliers signed animal welfare 100% 100% 100%
Mulesing free wool 100% 100% 100%
Down with Responsible Down Standard 100% 100% 100%


 Customer Engagement

Commitment 2020 2022 2024
Product take back programme to stimulate the recycling of our products.  Strategy development Strategy development Strategy development
Annual customer repair days 2 2 2
Annual Baum und Pferdgarten, other fashion brands and customer joined sustainable initiatives 1 1 2
Care and repair guide Implemented Implemented Implemented
Clothing rental service for European market Strategy development Implemented Implemented
Annual CSR workshops 2 2 2